Zendesk V2 Flutter

“After October 14, 2019, any apps installed in Zendesk Support that were built using version 1 of the Zendesk Apps framework (ZAF v1) will no longer function.”
Due to the Zendesk App framework v1 removal (ZAF v1), apps that have no plans to be moved to the new framework or to be supported by their developers have been removed from the Zendesk Marketplace and will cease functioning after ZAF v1 is removed.
Yeah, every problem has a solution. Go to pub where you can find the latest version of Zendesk library for flutter. Thanks to @Jon @ened .
Don’t talk more, lets start the coding part.
Android initial setup:
- Add below line in your manifest file.
This is must needy one. For iOS no need to do any extra stuffs.
2. Create a global private variable for Zendesk
final Zendesk _zendesk = Zendesk();
3. Init Zendesk with your own private key.
_zendesk.init("YOUR_KEY").then((r) {
print('init finished');
}).catchError((e) {
print('failed with error $e');
4. You can set the user info(this is an optional step)
name: 'My Name',
phoneNumber: '323-555-1212',)
.then((r) {
print('setVisitorInfo finished');
}).catchError((e) {
print('error $e');
as simple as, you can integrate with the latest Zendesk V2 in your flutter app.
Happie coding:)