ViewModelScope in Android

1 min readOct 21, 2022

ViewModelScope is also called as LifeCycle-aware-component.

Usually in our viewModel if we are using Coroutines, we must clear/cancel it onCancelled() method manually.

Let’s say, if we have 20–30 viewModels in our project. It’s unnecessarily doing manually clearing coroutines. Here is the example for Manual one.

class MainActivityViewModel : ViewModel() {
private val job = Job()
//add job to cancel coroutine
private val scope = CoroutineScope(Dispatchers.IO + job)
//get user data
fun getUserData() {
scope.launch {
//write code to get data from server

override fun onCleared() {
//use of Job

Use of viewModelScope

Here it comes viewModelScope. To avoid boilerplate code it comes on the screen.

ViewModelScope is a CoroutineScope that tied to the ViewModels lifecycle.

Here we are going the change the above code with viewModelScope to understand the login behind it.

To use viewModelScope we need viewModel-ktx library,


And Here is the edited code from the above code.

class MainActivityViewModel : ViewModel() {
fun getUserData() {
viewModelScope.launch {
//write code to get data from server

Thats it. Hope you clearly understand the viewModelScopes work here.

Happy Coding:)




Experienced Mobile Application developer and in full software development lifecycle, including analysis, design, development, deployment.